Since the very beginning of the Republic, Alderaan has been the voice of reason seeking peace in the midst of violent shouting. Until the Treaty of Coruscant, Alderaan was always a loyal part of the Republic. When the Treaty was signed though, the crown prince left the senate in an outrage and made Alderaan an independent system. Sometime later, the prince was assassinated and the queen died without an heir just a few days later. When the Alderaan parliament could not decide which noble house should take the throne, one of the houses tried to seize power by force. That bid for power sparked the bloodiest civil war of Alderaan’s history. To make matters worse, a forgotten noble house has resurfaced with the aid of Imperial benefactors and is putting forth its claim to the throne.
Until recently, Tatooine has been of little importance to anyone except the Czerka Corporation, who attempted to mine the planet for valuable resources with no success. After that failure, Czerka chose to shift their efforts to a Secret Weapons division on the planet due to the fact that there were no galactic restrictions in place there. Research and development moved forward until Czerka suddenly pulled out of the planet. With the Czerka outpost of Anchorhead now abandoned, smugglers and pirates have moved in and use Tatooine as a place to lay low for a while. In the nearby town of Mos Ila though, the Empire is gathering its forces to try and discover what sort of weapons and research the Czerka Corporation abandoned.
Dromund Kaas:
Drommund Kaas is the capital world of the Empire, as well as where the Emperor and his Dark Council resides. It is here, forgotten by the greater galaxy, that the Empire rebuilt its military and political might after the Great Hyperspace War. When the Imperial Armada rediscovered the system, they worked tirelessly to rebuild both the structures and the society that were lost for over a thousand years. Meanwhile, the Emperor discovered and performed dark rituals that destroyed the planet’s atmosphere and turned it into a never ending electrical storm. Now that the Empire has returned to the greater galaxy, the Emperor and his Dark Council plan, scheme, and extend the Dark Side’s reach ever outward.
Three hundred years ago, the Sith Lord Darth Malak destroyed the city-world of Taris in a desperate effort to kill Bastila Shan and, unbeknownst to Darth Malak, the redeemed Darth Revan. Since then, the planet has remained abandoned. Recently though, the Republic has undertaken the enormous task of rebuilding Taris to its former glory as a testament to the Republic’s endurance, resolve, and victory over the Empire. Reconstruction efforts became difficult when Rakghouls began attacking Republic workers and troops. Somehow, the plagued creatures, created by Sith alchemy, not only managed to survive, but also spread their disease across the entire planet. Given the extended period of time, some Rakghouls have evolved and now possess strange and unknown powers. Nevertheless, the Republic is determined to finish rebuilding the planet despite heavy Rakghoul and Sith resistance.
Considered nothing more than an unremarkable curiosity for many years, Belsavis is actually home to an ancient super prison built by the Rakatan Empire. When Republic scientists discovered the prison fifty years ago, a force was quickly sent and the planet claimed. The Republic maintained the prison and built a new one appropriately named “the Tomb”. When the current war with the Sith broke out, the Tomb, initially intended as a prison to keep those impossible to execute, quickly filled with Sith Lords, monstrosities, and Mandalorians. When the Empire learned of Belsavis and the Tomb’s existence, strike teams were sent to rescue their captured comrades, and the planet is now a battleground. The Empire is having trouble liberating its allies, and the Republic is rushing to restore order. This battle’s outcome is yet to be seen.
Discovered not long after the Treaty of Coruscant’s signing, Voss is a planet of forests and plateaus. It is mainly inhabited by the technologically advanced, but violent, Gormak and secondly by the primitive mystic tribe known as the Voss. The Gormak have always waged war with the Voss, as they believe the Voss to be a violation of the natural order. The Voss survive because of their incredibly powerful connection to the Force, though they do not know or care what the Force actually is. They are able to see visions of the future that are never wrong, and use them to avoid, outwit, and defeat their Gormak attackers. Considering that the planet has just been discovered, Voss is neither a part of the Republic or the Empire. Time will tell how long that will last.
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