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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Space

 Star Wars wouldn’t exactly be, well, Star Wars without space. I realize how obvious that statement is, but many Star Wars games hardly spend any time at all in space. Sometimes the only space you’ll see is in a brief cutscene. I don’t know about you, but I find that a sad prospect indeed. Just imagine for a moment what the Star Wars films would have been like without the Millennium Falcon dodging and weaving through the asteroid field in an attempt to escape a Star Destroyer, or without Luke racing down the Death Star trench to perfectly shoot his Proton Torpedoes in the small gap that destroyed the Death Star, or without the desperate struggle of the Rebel Alliance at the Battle of Endor. Without those iconic moments, Star Wars would be nothing near what it is today

In The Old Republic, Bioware is giving us the chance to make our own iconic moments in space. Not much is known about space in The Old Republic so far, but we do know that each class will have its own unique ship. I will write more on each ship as I explore each class in-depth later in the week. Space in The Old Republic is handled in the same way that most levels in Starfox 64 were. You are locked moving forward, and must shoot down targets, dodge obstacles, and generally survive until you reach your destination. Some quests will have objectives only completable in space. There will also be repeatable space missions if you still have the itch to fly after finishing the other quests. If you were hoping for a free-roaming, fully feature space simulator like I was at first, you will likely be disappointed initially. After observing some of Bioware’s other decisions for the game though, I feel that this method of space exploration and combat helps to maintain the game’s focus on story and progression. What do you think? Do you think this method of space gameplay was a wise decision for the game, or would you have preferred an open-ended integration of space similar to what’s present in Star Wars Galaxies? Let’s discuss it in the comments!


  1. I agree totally with this. The only game that actually used space was BBF. They've even grown out of it with the new releases on the hand-helds. I am really hoping that space is going to be valuable in SWTOR. I don't know about anyone else, but i'd like to have guild fleets!

  2. Actually, that DOES sound pretty awesome! How about guild-run capitol ships, where everyone in a guild has a part to help run the ship as a whole?
